Africa is proof that prayer doesn’t work – Nigerian man sparks controversy

Africa is proof that prayer doesn’t work – Nigerian man sparks controversy

Africa is proof that prayer doesn’t work – Nigerian man sparks controversy


A Nigerian man has sparked a controversial debate online with an assertion concerning the effect of fervent prayers in Africa.

The guy known as Ogbeni Damola is of the opinion that the underdevelopment and corruption that is consuming many African nations, is proof enough that prayers don’t work.

He stated this on Twitter, writing; ”Africa is a proof that prayer doesn’t work”

Damola’s post evoked a series of reactions from religious fanatics, atheists and many others who shared their thoughts on the matter.

See the post:

Reacting, @BoneKnightmare; The Bible spells out a 400 year curse that ended in 2019 so something is working apparently. All of this stuff was written exactly the way it was plotted out. A lost tribe? Check. 400 year curse? Check. People moved to a foreign land? Check. Curse lifted? Check.

@NtombiTurquoise; Noah cursed black people through his son Ham. Ham is the father of black people after the flood

@fred84868612; Prayer works my dear .. the situation African is at the moment has nothing to do with God it’s as a result of bad and wicked leadership runing the affairs.. even the Bible said when the wicked rules the people cry. God has given us everything but we wasted it .

@OCBl_Maki; We must relearn the teachings of ancient Egypt – Kemet. We are gods and all we want we can have. Put the teachings of your slave masters aside and learn those of the greatest African civilization to in history.

@nhlanhlenhle14; And you are a proof that many don’t understand what prayer is. You think prayer is meant to twist God’s hand so that He may fulfill your selfish desires.

@Sam_Davoclyn; It works, but we don’t take action seriously. God warned us of fear, lack of courage, laziness, idleness, complaining, murmuring, double face, etc. Prayer won’t work when these things are in play

@inzwakazinongwd; We Spiritual beings the ways of worship our ancestors differs from now.
We Phahla connect with spirits ,ancestors, izithunywa,&Creator not this Jesus bible fairytale that y its not working.
We uprooted &forsaken by our order of life,no wisdom whatsoever.

@lamontwillis19; Sometimes the bigger the blessing the longer you have to wait for that blessing

@BlackAgitator; “You can pray until you faint, but unless you get up and try to do something, God is not going to put it in your lap.” Fannie Lou Hamer

@SeanRobin7; “Until… We As a People Develop a UNDYING LOVE FOR EACH OTHER. And Implement Strategic Actions to Resolve Our Issues Globally!! Then We will Continue to be the Invisible and Underclass

@PrinceZAfrique; Sooner we accept that all miracles in the Bible never happened but a ploy to dupe ignorant nations into laziness and submissiveness in something unverified and unvalidated. Lots of Africans stopped living long time ago committing to churches in hope of better afterlife, a scam.

@oghenevefe; It does. Leadership is the issue of Africa backwardness.

@Dyatlov0912 replied; Prayers should have made better leaders if it does work.

@Iamkeltwonda; Prayer works and I am a testimony of that, the issue with Africa is; most people pray but negate wisdom, hard work and commitment to a set purpose and goal.

@broseanmuhammad; Naw prayers works you just can’t pray to a mystery God. Our brothers and sisters got wealth and land under their feet. Prayer and then working in a collective manner will make Africa prosperous.

@Eromose_0; Nigeria is an epitome of Prayers and fasting without action is a waste of time.

@MhlengiMkhize5; Problem with Africa is that iss constantly being pushed down by the elite and developed countries for its core resources. True African leaders are killed and only left with the snakes. Africa will never flourish until Africans take the stand against foreign intervention.

@theigbogoddess; Lol prayer without action is stupidity. Same as manifesting something without putting in the work to see it happen. Mumu people think they can sit down and wait for magic to happen. No o you must GET UP and make it work.

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