Apostle Suleman: “Buying a 3rd jet doesn’t mean I own 3 jets”

Apostle Suleman: “Buying a 3rd jet doesn’t mean I own 3 jets”

Apostle Suleman: “Buying a 3rd jet doesn’t mean I own 3 jets”


Apostle Johnson Suleman, Founder, Omega Fire Ministries Worldwide,  , has made clarification on the acquisation of his third jet during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to the clergy, buying a third jet does not mean he has three jets.

This is coming after the cleric was criticized for his sermon which he stated that he once prayed that the COVID-19 pandemic shouldn’t end.

Apostle Suleman while responding to a follower who questioned him after sharing a photo of Archbishop Benson Idahosa to celebrate him on the anniversary of his death.

The clergy wrote:

He was called to glory this day 1998…a fearless and bold leader.. a man who spoke truth to power.. a man who stood by every minister of the gospel.. he had a large heart of gold… he was always a shoulder to cry on.. we miss you.. Earth lost, heaven gained… We miss you papa.

Commenting, a follower wrote: “You think he would’ve owned 3 private jets?”

And Suleman replied:

Say after me “I am a mumu,I was born a mumu,oh Lord help me not to die a mumu”…buying a 3rd jet doesnt mean owning 3jets..you can sell 1st or 2nd or both to buy 3rd..

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