London to Lagos on Bike: In Mauritania, death litters their roads – Kunle Adeyanju

London to Lagos on Bike: In Mauritania, death litters their roads -- Kunle Adeyanju

London to Lagos on Bike: In Mauritania, death litters their roads -- Kunle Adeyanju


Nigerian man, Kunle Adeyanju who embarked on a “charity ride” from London, the UK, to Lagos, has revealed that Mauritania is not a country he wants to visit again for anything.

The entrepreneur and author embarked on the journey on April 19 and on Day 13, he tweeted that he had arrived in St. Louis, Senegal, from Mauritania after crossing the Sahara Desert through Morocco.

On day 14, Kunle via his Twitter account, shared some of his uneventful experiences of the adventure so far.

Read some of tweets:

’The experiences of the last two days had been the only uneventful experiences of this adventure so far. And all the unpleasant experiences happened in Mauritania.

‘’And this cuts across the two major cities in the country and their two major border.

‘’I have visited over 75 countries around the world, and I can categorically say that Mauritania is the worse of all the countries I have experienced.

‘’The people are unfriendly, they are mean and all they think about when they see you as a foreigner is what they can grab, forcefully, deceitfully or cunningly from you.

‘’All you see are dead carcases of camel, goats, donkey etc littering the sides of the road as if that is the only place there is a desert.

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