A medic has identified seven harmful effects of smoking shisha. According to the medical practitioner, one hour of smoking shisha is equivalent to inhaling the same amount of toxins from smoking 100 sticks of cigarettes.
This practice is common among celebrities.
The medic revealed that shisha causes stroke, cancer, infertility, heart attack, hypertension, among others.
File photo of Shisha smokers
According to the medic, seven harmful effects of inhaling shisha include:
First Doctor
SHISHA can cause stroke
SHISHA can cause cancer
SHISHA can cause infertility
SHISHA can cause miscarriage
SHISHA can cause heart attack
SHISHA can cause hypertension
SHISHA can weaken immune system
Seven harmful effects of smoking SHISHA
File photo of shisha inhaler
The medic added that shisha also causes enormous damage to their bodies.
The doctor pointed out that some people smoke shisha as a “healthier” alternative to cigarettes or weed, warning: “But this is ignorance.
“Like cigarette smoking, toxins in shisha put its smokers at risk of heart diseases, cancers, nicotine addiction, and other adverse health effects.
“So smoking is what it is. Whether you smoke shisha, cigarettes, or weed, you’re endangering your health.”