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They told us to say Boko Haram kidnapped us – Released Kankara schoolboys revealed (See Video)

They told us to say Boko Haram kidnapped us, released Kankara schoolboys revealed -OsmekNews
They told us to say Boko Haram kidnapped us, released Kankara schoolboys revealed

One of the 344 students from the Government Science Secondary School, Kankara, Katsina State, has disclosed that they were not kidnapped by Boko Haram terrorist group as earlier stated by the Federal Government.

The student who made this revelation in a viral video said that they were told to say that the kidnappers were Boko Haram insurgents.

When asked if their abductors were bandits or Boko Haram, the students said, “I do not know who they are but I was told to say they’re Boko Haram from the gang of Abu Shekau.”

Asked about his experience, “From what I experienced sincerely they are not Boko Haram.”

It would be recalled that last week, about 600 students were abducted from the school by suspected bandits. While many of them escaped from their captors, 344 were ferried into the forest by the kidnappers.

However, the 344 students were released to the government of Katsina State on Friday after spending exactly a week in captivity.

Shortly after their release, The Governor of Zamfara, Bello Matawalle, told newsmen that Fulani apex socio-cultural organisation, Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria, MACBAN, negotiated the release.

Matawalle said the state was able to secure their release through the help of MACBAN and repentant bandits.

This was despite claims by the Boko Haram insurgents that they kidnapped the boys. Matawalle had insisted that there was “nothing like Boko Haram in the abduction, claiming the bandits did it.”

Watch the Video Below: