Uninvited slay queens’ bounced out of Obi Cubana’s mum’s burial (video)

Uninvited slay queens’ bounced out of Obi Cubana’s mum’s burial (video)

Uninvited slay queens’ bounced out of Obi Cubana’s mum’s burial (video)


Two uninvited slay queens were reportedly bounced out of Obi Cubana’s mum’s burial held yesterday, July 16th at Oba, Anambra state.

The mother of popular billionaire nightclub owner, Late Mrs Ezinne Uche Iyiegbu, who died in December 2020 was laid to rest yesterday, which trended on social media.

The moment two slay queens was denied access to the event by bouncers which has stirred reactions from social media users.

Apparently the young ladies looked causally dressed as the bouncers refused to allow them gain access to the event.


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