Warning Signs That Could Mean Your Relationship Is In Trouble
Relationships have the potential to make us incredibly happy but sometimes, we can end up feeling miserable without even knowing why.
Let’s face it – all couples, happy and otherwise, have negative feelings in their relationships. Yes, there is a place in every relationship for anger, hurt and disgust. After all, we’re only human and we all screw up and do things that piss each other off.
Jokes aside, there are some legitimate (and more valid) red flags that really shouldn’t be ignored. Sure, maintaining any relationship requires compromise or sacrifice, but you should never give up your wants and needs or put your happiness at bay. When we’re newly in love, relationship red flags can be notoriously easy to miss or ignore — although they’re usually clear as day after the fact.
It can be difficult to pinpoint the signs of an unhealthy relationship, especially when we’ve invested in and committed to it, and when it might be hard to leave.
Nevertheless, it’s important to give your relationship an accurate appraisal from time to time, so you can identify any problems and work to put them right. Otherwise, you could find yourself stuck in a toxic relationship.
What Are Red Flags?
If you’ve ever played the game “Red Flag or Deal-Breaker” with friends, you know that some “red flags” are totally subjective. Most of the time, they’re specific to each individual and their “values, desires, and preferences,” according to Dr. Behr. (For example, not being religious may be a deal-breaker to one person and a total non-issue to another person.)
Also, what we consider to be a red flag can evolve.
“What is a red flag today might not be one tomorrow, and vice versa,” Dr. Behr said before adding that “some common red flags that people report have to do with communication, values, and judgment.”
Sometimes, we get a warning sign — either by someone’s words or actions — that they’re not ready for a relationship or not ready for a relationship with you,
However, depending on the person and the behavior, it could take one date or several years for that alarm bell to sound.