“We will never give up, we will never concede” – Donald Trump tells supporters

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U.S. President Donald Trump earlier today told supporters that he would never concede the 2020 presidential election to President-elect Joe Biden as Congress convened to affirm the Democrat’s victory.

Protesters loyal to President Trump stormed the Capitol on Wednesday, halting Congress’s counting of the electoral votes to confirm President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory as the police evacuated lawmakers from the building.

“The media is the biggest problem we have,” Trump said in the opening moments of his address to a crowd of tens of thousands in the National Mall at the “Save America” rally. He once again falsely accused “the media” of helping to “rig” the election results in favor of his Democratic challenger, President-elect Joe Biden.

“We will never give up. We will never concede,” Trump said. The rally crowd at times chanted “USA! USA! USA!” After Trump used the vulgarity, the chant shifted to “Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit!”

READ MORE: Curfew declared as protesters storm Washington, VP Pence evacuated

He urged Vice President Mike Pence to help overturn Joe Biden’s victory in the November election when Congress sits later to certify the Electoral College votes.

But Mr Pence later defied the president’s call, saying “he does not have the power to discard electoral votes”.

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