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2021 prophecy: An ex President & sitting governor will die – Apostle Paul Okikijesu

2021 prophecy: An ex President & sitting governor will die – Apostle Paul Okikijesu

2021 prophecy: An ex President & sitting governor will die – Apostle Paul Okikijesu


A man of God Apostle Paul Okikijesu of the Christ Apostolic Miracle Ministry, has released his 2021 prophecy.
According to the cleric, an ex-president of Nigeria and a sitting governor will die.

Read full prophecy below:
Thus says the Lord: I love Nigeria, and I have said before that Nigerians are talented, famous and they are filled with wisdom, understanding and knowledge. However, Nigeria does not appreciate her citizens throughout the four corners of the world.
Thus says the Lord: If you want doctors that are filled with wisdom, knowledge and understanding in both the black Nations and the white Nations, Nigerians cannot be ignored. If you want the intellectual professors that are filled with understanding and knowledge in the world, Nigerians cannot be disregarded. When you are talking about the brave ministers of God, the great and prominent pastors, Nigerians cannot be ignored.

The President:

Thus says the Lord: Son of man, I sent you with messages to the President not to utilize his own wisdom, but seek the wisdom of the religious advisers. I the Lord directed him to convene an honorable meeting with the ex-Presidents that have governed the country in the past and seek their advice. I also instructed him to have meetings with the people from the banking sector, marketing sector; oil and gas sector, and the stock exchange sector.

Thus says the Lord of hosts: I the Lord instructed him to have meetings with all the sectors that will make the economy to grow, but this man is very stubborn, because he is not the one that is governing the country. It is some people that are very close to him that are governing the Nation. It is whatever they say that the President will do; whatever step that they ask him to take is the step that he will take. The judgment of I the Lord will come upon all these people. Write this period down, their journey will be filled with a bitter and severe judgment, unless they change and turn to Me, says the Lord God of hosts.

Thus says the Lord of hosts: This man took a little step. He contacted one ex-President whose name is Jonathan to go and represent him in a certain Nation in order to intervene in the disputes among certain countries.

Nigeria needs supervision:

Thus says the Lord: Son of man, Nigeria needs supervision and lots of prayer during this period because I the Lord is not pleased with bloodshed of the youths who are the future of the country that were killed.

The 2023 political aspirants:

Thus says the Lord: Some of the political aspirants for the 2023 Election will not be able to continue this journey because their existing sickness will cause their demise. Their doctors will tell them that their soul or existence is in the hand of God, due to the severity of their illness; since there is no powerful being that has power over his/her soul. I the Lord will be showing signs everywhere and people will believe that I am the Lord.

Thus says the Lord of hosts: I sent messages that war is coming if the country is not prepared; but some people are saying “Where will the war come from?” My servant, mysterious events are happening and fighting is currently happening. It is not yet finished; people are still scheming the downfall of one another. It is not the end yet, and this is My messages to all people.

The Kings and the Monarchs:

Thus says the Lord of hosts: I have sent messages to the kings. Son of man, do you hear that the kings convene a meeting in order to have consultation with the President of the Nation? Lord, I did not hear the news. The messages that you sent to them have an impact, because they don’t want to be disgraced at the end of the year, but that is not the only thing that I the Lord will consider. Behold, they have an emergency meeting about a week ago, during this emergency meeting, various kings were in attendance. However, the President and his assistants told the kings that the meeting will not take place as scheduled. Behold, son of man, that is what the kings/monarchs have turned themselves to before an ordinary person.

Thus says the Lord: If the king of Saudi Arabia commands the people in position of authority, they will listen and comply. If Queen Elizabeth commands the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, he will listen without delay. Son of man, the kings are getting the messages that you sent. Bravo! Do you see that many of the kings have trivialize themselves? I the Lord will not spare any king unless the king that is honest and virtuous that I the Lord God of hosts will spare. However, all the dishonest kings, those that are shedding the blood of the innocent, and those that are sabotaging the Nation; together with those who are causing regression for the future of the youth; I the Lord God of hosts will disgrace them.

Thus says the Lord: They should wait and see between this hour that I the Lord sent these messages and watch the judgment that I the Lord will perform. I the Lord will not judge them from outside, My judgment will start from their palaces. You will hear that I the Lord turned against them, but they will affirm that it is the deities that are waging war against them. Since I the Lord am the One who created the heights and the land. I created everything in the ground and mankind that is powerful. All power belongs to Me, and there is no judgment that I the Lord cannot perform on humans, once a person has sinned against Me.

Thus says the Lord of hosts: Son of man, severe judgment is coming upon the kings because the King of kings will pass through the four corners of Nigeria. Certain judgments will come upon the kings without delay.

Thus says the Lord of hosts: I have previously instructed people to pray for the kings/monarchs. I the Lord will carry out a bitter judgment on any king that refuses to change and I will disgrace the king, says the Lord of hosts.

Religious leaders:

Thus says the Lord of hosts: Son of man, write this period down; all the religious leaders that I have previously sent messages to them, those that refused to change will be judged severely. Send this message out; if they refuse to change, I will perform a bitter judgment on them and people will pity them and say “What offense did these people commit that the judgment of God is so serious upon them?”

Thus says the Lord: There is no exception both the Christians religious leaders and the Islamic religious leaders who refused to speak the truth by putting the Nation in darkness will be judged. If they refuse to speak the truth, their descendants will be plagued with curses and I the Lord will perform bitter judgement on them. Nothing will be remembered about their genealogy, except the evil works that they have performed.

Pastor Adeboye, Pastor Kumuyi and Bishop Oyedepo:

Thus says the Lord: Those three people that I have sent messages for them to change, only one of them made an amendment; while the remaining two people are using their wealth to comfort the poor and the needy; and they are also using their wealth to honor I the Lord. Am I pleased to receive abominable offerings? Says the Lord. As for all of them, I the Lord will send messages to them again because the hour of judgment has come.

Thus says the Lord: I the Lord can send messages to a City/Nation on several occasions before My judgment comes fully. I will still send out My messages without delay, because there is nothing in this world that I sent in My messages that will not come to pass during this hour.

Many pastors cannot speak the truth:

Thus says the Lord: Many ministers of God cannot speak the truth anymore. The reason is that everyone is concerned about his life and his family, but they have forgotten that if I the Lord does not guard a city, the watchmen stay awake in vain. Only the people that I keep that escape danger.

Death of Political party leaders:

Thus says the Lord of hosts: I have previously sent messages to the political party leaders to pray fervently so that the death of the political party leaders will not be rampant everywhere in Nigeria with exception of no political party.

Death of Ex-Governors:

Thus says the Lord: I have sent messages concerning the death of ex-governors. Some will pass away very soon.

Death of an Ex-President:

Thus says the Lord of hosts: An ex-President will die and his death will shake people and make them to be afraid; write it down today. If this does not happen, I am not God anymore.

Messages concerning the Nations of the world

The angels are working:

Thus says the Lord: The angels continue to work and they have surrounded the four corners of the Nations of the world. They are presently in sixty nine countries and they will enter one hundred and twenty-four countries by Sunday (November 22, 2020). By the end of this month (November 2020) they will have entered numerous countries throughout the world, and you will hear the news that the Almighty God is presently angry. The event that has never happened before will occur, and you will hear that the angels are physically pronouncing judgment and they are passing throughout the world. If this does not happen, then I am no longer God.

The judgment of God is at hand:

Thus says the Lord of hosts: The judgment of I the Lord is on its way and it is very close to all peoples. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says.

The judgment of the angels:

Thus says the Lord: I am concerned about the judgment of the angels; because it is not postponed till next year, it started about three weeks ago. Presently the judgment is on-going. They are waiting for authority to come from above. However, since three days ago, the angels are walking with wrath. People will proclaim throughout the world that the angels are currently executing severe judgment.

Bitter judgment on those who inverted religion:

Thus says the Lord: The hour has come when I the Lord will carry out bitter judgment on those who are inverting religion..

The 666 sign:

Thus says the Lord: Son of man, the fulfillment of the 666 sign is (coming) on its way. Pray fervently; I the Lord will disclose the time and the City/Nation where it will begin.

Nations that refuses to change:

Thus says the Lord: I will judge all powerful beings. All the Nations that refuse to change, all the countries that refuse to turn to the throne of I the Lord will not be spared from My judgment. Resend My messages with the Seal that I mentioned; this is My message to the whole world during this period.

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