October 6, 2024
Anglican Church in Anambra sacks priest for allegedly impregnating help-Seeking Woman

Anglican Church in Anambra sacks priest for allegedly impregnating help-Seeking Woman


The Anglican Diocese on the Niger has terminated the appointment of one of its priests, Rev Canon Lumenkriti Ebo, for allegedly getting a woman who came seeking for help pregnant.

While the church accused Ebo of impregnating a lady who went to his adoration ministry by telling her she had to sleep with him to get healing, Ebo also accused the church of taking his legally married wife and accommodating her outside her matrimonial home. Things became very heated between the church and the clergyman when the bishop withdrew the ordination license of Ebo over alleged immoral acts capable of undermining the reputation of the church.

Until the withdrawal of his ordination license recently, Ebo was running an adoration ministry at Umunya in Oyi Local Government Area of Anambra State.

Speaking on the face-off between the priest and the Diocese, the deputy chancellor of the Diocese, Mr. Ben Uzuegbu (SAN) said the church decided to withdraw Ebo’s ordination license because it could no longer tolerate his excesses.

“The former priest was doing things that were unbecoming of a priest. The bishop had to call us, the legal team of the Diocese, to decide how to handle the man.

With what he had done, he ought to be in prison, but the church decided to be lenient with him, thinking that he would change. But he refused to change and his immoral acts became a scandal such that it was in the public domain that he impregnated his secretary and was always beating his wife to stupor.

He was later suspended and when it was obvious that he did not want to mend his ways, the church decided to withdraw his license.”Uzuegbu told Vanguard

According to him, the Diocese on the Niger has a constitution that guides the activities of its priests, adding that it was wrong for Ebo to accuse the bishop of collecting N3 million from him every year when he, the priest, is an employee of the church.

“If a priest acquires property, it belongs to the Diocese. Monies paid by parishes belong to the Diocese, not the bishop, as he claimed. It was even discovered that he registered his adoration ministry with the Corporate Affairs Commission in his name in 2017.

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