Home FOREIGN NEWS BREAKING: Israel Strikes Back At Iran

BREAKING: Israel Strikes Back At Iran

BREAKING: Israel Strikes Back At Iran
BREAKING: Israel Strikes Back At Iran

Israel has hit back at Iran in a tit-for-tat following last week’s drone attacks.

Iran had deployed over 300 drones including cruise missiles where it pounded key Israeli facilities.

Israel had promised “severe response” and the war cabinet met many times to consider “appropriate time” to reach Iran “a lesson.”

On Friday morning, US officials said “an Israeli missile has hit Iran.”

Iranian state media also reported that flights have been suspended over several cities, according to Associated Press following the Israeli retaliatory strike.

Explosion could be heard near the Isfahan nuclear site. Isfahan is home to a major military air base and several Iranian nuclear sites are in the province- including the city of Natanz, a centrepiece of Iran’s uranium enrichment program.

Iran has been on high alert after Israel promised “maximum response” to an Iranian attack on Saturday night.


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