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Friends seek justice as a Nigerian lady is reportedly p#isoned to de@th by her ‘madam’ in Russia

Friends seek justice as a Nigerian lady is reportedly p#isoned to de@th by her ‘madam’ in Russia

Friends seek justice as a Nigerian lady is reportedly p#isoned to de@th by her ‘madam’ in Russia


A businesswoman identified as Omos Lara has passed away under unfortunate circumstances.

According to multiple sources, the deceased who resides in Ryazan is alleged to have d#ed as a result of p#ison but her friends believe there’s more to the issue.

A source said, “Omo before her demise used to work with a Russian lady called Lisa before venturing out on her own. Lisa is notorious for t#rturing her ex-employees. We suspect she must have had a hand in Omos’ de@th. There are videos of Lisa and her daughter t#rturing other black girls who decide to leave their business.

Albeit the hospital report says Omo d#ed of p#isoning, we need the Nigerian Embassy in Russia to demand a full fledged investigation into her de@th. We need Justice for Omos. This isn’t the first time a black girl is being k#lled in a matter of months.”

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