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Him own sweet pass my husband own – Woman says after being caught sleeping with a married neighbor (See video)

Him own sweet pass my husband own – Woman says after being caught sleeping with a married neighbor (See video)

Him own sweet pass my husband own – Woman says after being caught sleeping with a married neighbor (See video)


A Viral Video of a woman caught sleeping with her married neighbor, has explained why she engaged in the affair.

Although the woman has a man she is living with, Mama Purity when asked why she engaged in the act, said “her married neighbour’s own was sweeter than that of her husband”.

She reveals that she often help the man do some house chores, while he gives her money in return.

When the man identified as Papa Basiru was question, he admitted to sleeping with the woman.

However, he added that his wife’s own is sweeter than that of the woman he was caught sleeping with.

Watch the video below.



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