Home OPINION Niger Coup: African revolution seems imminent -Precious Ciou Ciou

[OPINION] Niger Coup: African revolution seems imminent -Precious Ciou Ciou

Niger Coup: African revolution seems imminent
Niger Coup: African revolution seems imminent

The alliance shapes out as the nations take sides. Seems this tussle is happening between light and darkness.

What an interesting time we’ve got ourselves into! African revolution seems imminent. Can’t wait!!

Liberia has just taken a stand and queues behind Mali, Burkina Faso, Algeria etc. in support of the new military chief of Niger Republic as George Weah has this compassionate word for ECOWAS.

“As long as ECOWAS tolerates institutional coups that allow lifetime presidencies, there will always be military coups.

And we cannot condemn military coups when we do not condemn those who carry out institutional coups.

ECOWAS should work for the interest of our peoples”

Let me define institutional coups to include coups, such as against democracy and the constitution of the land; and as one of the worst crimes against humanity. Target is always the common citizens, the helpless masses that are always at the receiving end of every antihuman policies and reckless decisions emanating from the tops.

I reiterate George Weah’s words, ECOWAS should work for the interest of the people; and I add, or they should disperse.


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